Ok so this session is a easy session in how to develop your telekinetic abillities if you haven't read my other tk articles and you want to start with this article that is totally fine.So what you will need for this is a pencil or a pen which ever fits you best,you need to be in a quiet room and you need concentration for this.So for this you should meditate for 20 minutes and then practice this excercise for maybe 20 minutes aswell it's your choice on how you do this,remember you are using a muscle that you have never used before so it takes effort and a trial.So you are going to be using your energy and thoughts to move this object.So imagine all of your energy meeting up to your brain and your thoughts meet aswell then imagine they they travel to the object then Walla it moves.So a pen I would recommend to use before I go any further with these steps you will need a pen or pencil that looks like this:

This is a good looking pencil for you to start with and so now for the steps you must visulaize (Imagine)imagine all of your energy meeting up to your brain and your thoughts meet aswell then imagine they they travel to the object.So what you are supposed to learn from this article is that everything in life needs effort and practice and patience.So hope you all follow the right instructions and if you have any questions or comments just contact JohnnyWhiteTSA@yahoo.com or call me at 1(504)-368-5896 that is my house number or just look at my contact information on this site.Good luck and have fun and be safe:)











                     -Johnny White

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