Chakra Meditation 


Chakra Meditation: With chakra meditation you will learn to open your closed chakras, so that you can embrace the world and feel secure. All of your 7 chakras are all locations for your different skills and personality. So if one of then is closed, there will be disharmony and your chakras will not be in balance. Some part of you will be hidden and afraid to face the world. With chakra meditation you will regain your confident and your peace of mind.

Root - This is the location for your stability, balance and security

Sacral - The place for passion and sexuality. It is also the location for psychic abilities and higher consciousness

Solar Plexus - This is where spontaneous actions and energy are located. this is the place where our will-power can be found.

Heart - This is the center for compassion, love and unconditional love.

Throat - This is where our communication abilities and our ability to express our selves verbally are located. 

Third Eye - This is our window to the spiritual world. This eye has the ability to see beyond the physical world.

Crown - This chakra is the direct channel to higher consciousness and getting in contact with our Higher Self, which can work as a guide, if you learn to listen to it.

Chakra Meditation Guide


Step by step Chakra meditation guide to open your chakras.

Sit comfortable in the Lotus position or in any posture you find most comfortable. Go through one of the breathing exercises. get completely relaxed and let all worries and stress exit your body. 

Chakra Meditation - Root to Crown


Close your eyes and take a deep breath all the way down to your root chakra.  Imagine a bright red colour at you root chakra area. This is the Chakra of stability and security. Visualize a closed flower on that area. As you breathe in, imagine that the air carries a warm energy to the root chakra flower, which slowly opens. Feel how you are allowing your chakra to heal and be free. 


Use your senses and see the red colour clearly in your minds eye. Feel how the colour slowly expand from the root chakra flower and stretches out through your legs and all the way out to your toes. Feel it expand from its source up through your body and out in your arms and all the way to your fingers. The bright red chakra colour stream also enters your head and fills your whole body with its warmth. 


Feel the love and security as the root chakra flower continue to open, as you feel more safe. Say to yourself (mentally) that you will not allow anything to come in the way of the blossoming of this root flower. Any bad experiences or any obstacles are not powerful enough to close this remarkable flower. When you feel that your Chakra has opened, let the bright red colour float upward to you second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, and blend with its warm orange colour.


See the orange closed sacral chakra flower at your second chakra. Breathe in deeply and feel how the energy is carried to the closed orange sacral flower, and how it stimulates it to open up just a bit. See how the bright colour from the chakra flower slowly leaks out and expand from this Sacral Chakra to all sides.


Visualize clearly in your mind how the orange colour moves through the bright red root chakra colour and further down to your thighs and legs and finally reaches your feet and toes. Feel how warm and pleasant it feels. The warm orange colour also moves upward like the red root colour, and passes you stomach your chest and fills it all with a warm secure feeling. It also reaches your arms, hands and finger and your head, filling it all with love and security.


Allow your sacral chakra to open. You are in a safe and secure environment so allow it to open up and embrace the world as it has become much stronger now. Your source for passion and sexuality and even some psychic abilities is opening and is sharing its warmth and its qualities with the rest of the body and the rest of the world. It does not have to hide anymore, so allow your sacral chakra flower to remain open no matter what the future may bring.

Do the above chakra exercise for each chakra, but remember to chance the chakras individual qualities and colour. Try to work with each chakra for at least 5 minutes Do not rush through the meditation.Guys this is a wave of science and has been proven by a Asain (Japanese) scientist named Atsuko Daichi who lives in Japan he has made contact with alot of Telekinetics around the world and he is still making contact aswell with Pyrokinetics,Hydrokinetics,Aerokinetics and more (etc).Please this is very important and if you want I can give you his phone number I have it and if you don't live in Japan you need a phone card and you don't want to call that far,because he isn't always in Japan he is usually in the U.S. most likely in Oregon,California,NewYork (City).Here is his phone number:


House number (Japan):+81-349-9080.

Cell phone number (all over) (Area Code...)679-0919.



So guys if you have any questions or comments to make just email me at Good luck:)











                              -Johnny White

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